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3 wild turkeys on a transparent background

a hella short comedic horror film about wild turkeys.


the turkeys are back and i give them what for from afar. like i'm inside hiding and they're roaming free outside afar.

we are not amused. hopefully you are.


run time: about one minute and 26 seconds. shot and filmed in one take.


rated: (w) for watch it if you wanna


all proceeds (after service fees of 2.9% for stripe secure payment processing and 3% for my company bumpsale fees for handling the dynamic pricing button technology) will be donated to the Sacramento Homeless Union.


Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.

Frequently asked questions

What the heck is going on here? A turkey movie??

Wait? Is there actually movie called "The Turkeys are Back"?Yes, there is a hella hella short "The Turkeys are Back" film. It's one minute and 26 seconds long, filmed in one shot.

ONE minute and 26 seconds? Isn't that considered a reel or a tiktok?Nah, why do social media platforms get to define what makes a movie a movie? 

Ok, but why didn't you just release this "movie" on TikTok or Instagram (or even YouTube)??I wanna try something I don't think has been done before.

Instead of posting a (hopefully funny) reel or tiktok so the platforms get all the ad monies, I'm gonna sell tickets to view my hella hella short "film" and donate all the proceeds to charity.

It might end up being $1 or it might end up being $100+ but that'll be $1 more than the social media platforms will get to spend on whatever they do with their corporate monies.

OK, how much will this movie cost?The price for a ticket to view the movie will start at $1 and automatically increase by 1 cent each time someone purchases a ticket. This is done through the Bumpsale button.

What do you get out of selling this movie?We both get the same thing: we get to help an organization that actually does direct outreach to help our unhoused neighbors in Sacramento.

Monetarily, the 2.9% (+.30 cents per charge) of every ticket purchase goes to Stripe for processing the payments and 3% goes to Bumpsale (my company) for providing the dynamic pricing button technology.

For example:

If 100 tickets are sold, the gross total would be $149.50.

Bumpsale would make $4.49 (3%) and Stripe would make $34.34 (2.9% per transaction +.30 cents per charge)The total donation in this example would be $110.67

ALL PROCEEDS (after service fees) WILL BE DONATED TO:

Sacramento Homeless Union

a 100% grassroots, community-funded, humanitarian group committed to providing equipment, clothing, and supplies to folks living on the streets in Sacramento, California.

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Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.